Submitting Articles and Book Reviews
Authors should send an electronic copy of the manuscript in Pdf format to the editor at Authors will be required to submit, in case of acceptance the final copy Microsoft Word.
JAAL urges authors submitting manuscripts to conform to the rules (cf. Style Sheet), except where
there is strong reason to do otherwise. In such cases, prior consultation with the Editor will be
appreciated. JAAL cannot overemphasize that improper presentation causes needless delays.
The identity of the contributor must be hidden from the reviewers. The identity should only be
known to the managing editor or the general editor for communication purposes. Therefore,
addresses and name /names of contributors must be written separately. Acknowledgment must
be avoided in the first submission, and when one quotes his previous work, he/she should avoid the
usage of I in reference to his/her work. For instance, instead of saying “as I discuss in my work (Yilma
1989)”, one should say “as Yilma (1989) discusses…”. However, the former usage can be maintained
once the paper is accepted for publication.
Editorial procedure
Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged. Manuscripts will be evaluated by at least two reviewers
other than the Editor, and a decision on publication will be made in six month time.
Authors are entitled to get a single hard copy of the whole Journal in which their article appeared.
Ethical consideration
JAAL expects authors to submit their original works. In case of a manuscript published somewhere
else, authors need to notify the general editor during the first submission process. Plagiarism in any
form will not be tolerated. Although JAAL will try to detect and take appropriate action with
plagiarized manuscripts before they get published, mistakes may happen. Authors will take
responsibility for their works. If JALL finds a case of plagiarism or malpractice after publication, it
will immediately notify authors and their employer and academic institution.